Twistzz's perfect crosshair placement - "Deep Dive feat NaToSaphiX"
The North American superstar and his mechanics are in focus in our latest episode together with NaTosaphiX.
62.6% Headshot percentage (#2 all-time)
0.45 Headshots per round (#2 all-time)
13329 Total headshots (#3 all-time)
Based on stats from Top 30 (min 500 maps)
That is the impressive statistics of the Canadian headshot machine Russel "Twistzz" Van Dulken during his career, who is known for his picture-perfect aim and crisp mechanical skills on the server. However, what is his secret recipe for tapping heads?
That is something, Niels Christian "NaToSaphiX" Sillassen has taken a closer look at in the latest "Deep Dive" episode. Check it out down below!