ENCE and Copenhagen Flames win in opening matches
No upsets to be had here!
After starting the day with two major upsets, the craziness has been laid to rest as it was the favorites that took home the victories in the last matches of Swiss round 1.
After a solid start for Spirit, ENCE completely took over and ended the first half on a nine-round winstreak. Spirit did a better job in the second half, but it was still not enough to hold down "dycha" and the rest of ENCE.
Spirit – ENCE 0-1 | PGL Major Antwerp Europe RMR B
11-16 (Mirage) | dycha – 1.46 Rating / 26-16 K-D / 91.9 ADR
On the other stream, we saw an almost exact replica. Sprout started off great but ended up being down by seven rounds at the half, and from there it was too hard for them to recover.
Copenhagen Flames - Sprout 1-0 | PGL Major Antwerp Europe RMR B
16-11 (Ancient) | raalz – 1.24 Rating / 23-19 K-D / 82.7 ADR