The Dane AcilioN signs with the Swedish Apeks
The Danish player will take over as the in-game leader from the experienced Dennis “dennis” Edman.
Apeks announced the signing of Asger “AcilioN” Larsen as their new in-game leader. The Swedish Rasmus “kreaz” Johansson has been removed from the active roster to make place for the Dane.
The in-game leader was benched by Copenhagen Flames three weeks ago, and he has already found himself a new team.
The coach of Apeks Pål “Polly” Kammen stated the following after the signing:
- This means that dennis will get to focus on the things he does best, and the roles in the team will be much more natural
The Scandinavian roster will have their new Dane ready for the Spring Sweet Spring 3 Regionals, which starts on June 7th.
The new roster:
Sander “Grusarn” Iversen
Dennis “dennis” Edman
Fredrik “FREDDyFROG” Gustafsson
Joakim “Relaxa” Gustafsson
Asger "AcilioN" Larsen