Video: ZywOo with a staggering ace clutch against MOUZ at RMR
The 21-year-old superstar strikes again with a stunning play in the Major qualifier.
The Frenchman has been out of this world lately. His most recent big play was against MOUZ doing the European RMR Bo3s. Mathieu "ZywOo" Herbaut took down all 5 players by doing a round featuring full buys from both teams. Doing a retake the Vitality superstar managed to pull out an impressive clutch against a well-placed after-plant from MOUZ.
Check out the impressive play by ZywOo right here:
Which player had the most impact going the European RMR? Once against we can tell that the French superstar is leading the stats in most of the categories as he has been outstanding the past 3 months for Vitality.