With the launch of CS2 a lot of players are trying to find out the best possible setting for the advanced video setting.
If you have a top-tier computer, perhaps it could be a good idea to see what the professionals are doing. If you don’t have a state-of-the-art setup, then it would perhaps be a good idea to check out the article below.
On Twitter the user ThourCS has asked 25 pros about their current video settings. s1mple, ropz, Spinx, and many other well-known professionals have answered him. ThourCS has compiled a list of the most used settings among them here.
– Boost Player Contrast: Enabled
– MSAA: 4x
– Global Shadow: High – Model/Texture: Low
– Texture Filtering: Bilinear – Shader Detail: Low
– Particle Detail: Low
– Ambient Occlusion: Disabled
– HDR: Quality
– FSR: Disabled
– NVIDIA Reflex: Disabled
You can see the tweet from ThourCS here.