Video: CSGO tips and tricks from pro players
Get the extra edge while playing.
CS:GO can be a hard game to play if you don't know all the small tricks and tips you can use while in-game. Some tricks, wallbangs, one-way smokes, and boosts can win you a round single-handedly.
The Famous CS:GO YouTuber "NartOutHere" has made a video showcasing different tips and tricks you can use in your next faceit or matchmaking game. Most of the tricks have been used in pro matches or online tournaments and have proven their worth to be in his videos.
Learn all the smart tips and tricks right here and dominate your opponents in your next CS game:
Inferno 0:00
Mirage 2:06
Overpass 4:20
Nuke 5:42
Anubis 6:07
Ancient 8:03