Toxicity in LoL: How to Deal With It?

League of Legends is one of the most popular multiplayer online battle arena games in the world.

While it offers an exciting and competitive environment for millions of players, it's also notorious for its toxic community. Toxicity in LoL can manifest in various forms, from verbal abuse to intentional feeding, and can significantly impact the gaming experience. 

This article will explore the nature of toxicity in LoL and provide strategies to deal with it effectively.

What is Toxicity in LoL?

Toxicity in LoL refers to negative behaviors that create an unpleasant environment for other players. These behaviors can include:

  1. Verbal abuse: Insults, threats, and offensive language in chat.

  2. Intentional feeding: Deliberately dying to the enemy team to give them an advantage.

  3. AFK (Away From Keyboard): Abandoning the game mid-match.

  4. Griefing: Deliberately hindering teammates' gameplay.

  5. Negative attitude: Constant complaining, giving up early, or refusing to cooperate.

The competitive nature of LoL, combined with the anonymity of online interactions, often fuels toxic behavior. Players may become frustrated with their own performance or that of their teammates, leading to outbursts and negative actions.

The Impact of Toxicity

Toxicity can have severe consequences on both individual players and the LoL community as a whole:

  1. Decreased enjoyment: Toxic behavior can ruin the fun of playing LoL, even for those not directly involved.

  2. Reduced performance: Negativity can impact team morale and coordination, leading to poorer gameplay.

  3. Player burnout: Constant exposure to toxicity can cause players to lose interest in the game.

  4. Community degradation: Widespread toxicity can deter new players and create a negative reputation for the game.

Strategies to Deal with Toxicity

1. Use the Mute Function

One of the simplest and most effective ways to deal with verbal toxicity is to use the mute function. If a player is being abusive in chat, you can mute them by:

  • Opening the scoreboard (Tab key by default)

  • Clicking on the chat bubble icon next to the player's name

This allows you to focus on the game without being distracted by negative comments.

2. Report Toxic Behavior

Riot Games, the developer of LoL, has implemented a reporting system to address toxic behavior. After each game, you can report players who exhibited toxic behavior by:

  • Clicking on the exclamation mark icon next to the player's name in the post-game lobby

  • Selecting the appropriate category for the offense

  • Providing a brief description of the incident

Consistent reporting helps Riot identify and penalize toxic players, contributing to a healthier gaming environment.

3. Focus on Self-Improvement

Instead of getting caught up in arguments or dwelling on others' mistakes, focus on improving your own gameplay. This mindset shift can help you:

  • Stay positive even in challenging situations

  • Learn from your mistakes and those of others

  • Maintain a growth-oriented approach to the game

Remember, you can't control others' actions, but you can control your response and personal growth.

4. Practice Positive Communication

Lead by example and promote positive communication within your team. Some tips include:

  • Using pings effectively to communicate game information

  • Offering constructive feedback instead of criticism

  • Encouraging teammates after successful plays or when they're struggling

  • Using phrases like "gj" (good job) or "wp" (well played) to boost morale

5. Take Breaks

If you find yourself getting tilted or experiencing a string of games with toxic players, it's essential to take breaks. Stepping away from the game for a while can help you:

  • Reset your mental state

  • Avoid carrying negativity from one game to the next

  • Maintain a healthy balance between gaming and other activities

6. Find Like-Minded Players

Playing with friends or like-minded individuals can significantly reduce exposure to toxic behavior. Consider:

  • Joining LoL-related Discord servers or forums to find potential teammates

  • Participating in community events or local LoL gatherings

  • Using the in-game "Looking for Group" feature to find players with similar goals and attitudes

7. Educate Yourself on Game Mechanics

Sometimes, toxicity stems from a lack of understanding of game mechanics or strategies. By educating yourself, you can:

  • Make better decisions in-game, reducing the likelihood of triggering toxic reactions

  • Understand the reasoning behind certain plays or strategies, allowing for more constructive communication

  • Identify areas where you can improve, focusing on personal growth rather than blaming others

8. Use the Honor System

Riot Games implemented the Honor system to encourage positive behavior. After each game, you can honor teammates who demonstrated good sportsmanship, teamwork, or exceptional skill. Consistently receiving honors can lead to rewards, incentivizing positive behavior.

9. Avoid Engaging in Arguments

  • Stay focused on your gameplay

  • Use the mute function if necessary

  • Report the behavior after the game

10. Understand the Impact of External Factors

It's important to recognize that toxicity in LoL isn't always a direct reflection of the game or its community. External factors such as personal stress, frustration from previous games, or even the pressure to perform well (sometimes exacerbated by practices like lol boost) can contribute to negative behavior. By understanding this, you can approach toxic situations with more empathy and patience.


Dealing with toxicity in League of Legends requires a combination of personal strategies and community efforts. By implementing these techniques, you can create a more positive gaming experience for yourself and contribute to a healthier LoL community. Remember, change starts with individual actions, and every player has the power to influence the game's culture positively.

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