Three most ruthless chicken killers at BLAST Showdown
In total 154 chickens were slain in BLAST Premier Fall Showdown averaging 0.87 chicken kills per round.
Chicken stats breakdown! The rounds are only counted on Inferno since that is the only map with chickens that were in the tournament map-pool.
BLAST Premier Fall showdown was pretty peaceful as we usually see numbers close to 1 chicken death per round, but this event had an averaging 0.87 chicken kills per round. In total 154 chickens were slain and these are the most ruthless chicken killers:
Somedieyoung takes 1st place for the first time on the chicken top rankings with such a lead. That’s definitely incredible!
On the other side there are several guys who didn’t kill a single chicken:
The best way to save the chickens’ lives is to ban Inferno!