Parallels Between the 2023 Olympic Esports and the 2024 Olympic Games

The Olympic Games are a symbol and testimony to a long history and tradition, making it the most important sports event in the world. However, this celebration of humanity's best qualities has always been a mix of tradition and evolution. It adapts to new challenges and sports trends.

Yet, to this day, it hasn't accounted for esports, which has been an open debate for years. Is playing a video game, even competitively, considered a sport? Some people don't agree, but there are parallels to draw between a sport as we know it and this "new form of athleticism".

Comparing Similarities in Esports and Traditional Disciplines

Esports and traditional sports have more things in common than you might think! Let’s take a look at a few:

1. The Organisation

At an administrative level, esports are well-structured and follow similar rules to traditional sports with leagues, federations, and sponsorships. Official events take place in stadiums and venues explicitly prepared for the event. 

The rules for each game are also straightforward. This allows a known Bitcoin betting portal for this year's Olympic Games in France to feature esports competitions all year long.

For games like Counter-Strike, it has been running for over 20 years, and teams can be compared to that of football or basketball teams. There are free agents and benched players on transfer lists. These players will join teams and leave them with contracts generating millions of dollars in some cases. We're far from the 90s cliché of three geeks playing over LAN in their mum's basement.

2. Preparation and Training

Just like any sport, esports are played on games that require good starting skills but that must be elevated with training and preparation for the events. Esport competitors go through physical and mental training to achieve their goals. Contrary to myths, it's essential in their performance.

Adopting the correct posture and maintaining it for hours while remaining focused is mandatory at a professional level. It's all very new, since it's a relatively young discipline. Yet, there are already trainers who follow these 2.0 athletes with exercises that help them stay in shape despite sitting in chairs for long hours. 

Furthermore, esports implies the repetition of the same gestures. It can take its toll on the player's body, yes, but more importantly, on their mind. That's why these athletes also have specific nutrition requirements to keep them at their peak mental fitness and ensure they'll be able to think clearly during the game.

3. Required Equipment

Much like when Cristiano Ronaldo goes on the pitch, esports athletes have specific equipment to use. It can vary depending on the sports, but there are forbidden and authorised equipment. For example, in fighting game leagues like Street Fighter, there are categories depending on the platform used. An Xbox player won't be competing against a PlayStation player, and there's a category for players with arcade controllers.

Even on PC, the rules can change depending on the game and the competition and affect the type of keyboard and mouse players can use. Some tools are considered unfair and aren't authorised because they can give a considerable advantage to the player. It's also true for some in-game mechanics, which are disabled in competitive modes for most games.

4. Precise Rules Enforced By Referees

Every video game already has rules that are mandatory to play the game. However, there are additional rules that can apply only to competitions. That's what differentiates a Sunday game with friends from an actual competition, and it's easy to compare it to another sport, like football.

The best example is Call of Duty. The game has thousands of weapons and accessories that can impact the gameplay. Yet, in pro mode, some of these are banned and using them during a competition is simply impossible. 

There are also rules regarding the behaviour during the event. Anything that can interfere with another player's performance can be punished. Things like yelling to disrupt the game or disconnecting a controller or the Ethernet cable. 

It's all about fair play and keeping a healthy community. So, referees are here to watch every game and ensure everyone respects each other and observes the rules, like in any sport.

Why Esports Still Isn't Part of The Olympics

The Olympics gather a massive audience, which must be able to relate to the disciplines. For swimming, running, and any physical activity, it remains straightforward. However, esports presents several challenges. Some games, like Counter-Strike, or, more infamously, Mortal Kombat, depict violent acts.

These video games have age restrictions for the most part, and it prevents public broadcast at the level of the Olympics. Moreover, the board must account for the appeal this kind of entertainment will have over an older population, who may not understand what’s going on. 

Young people will easily understand the performance and why it's incredible, but this can slip by a wider familial audience. Until this issue is solved, esports will remain on its own turf with passionate people looking for these events.

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