O PLANO and kNgV- on a return
O PLANO is going back to their old AWPer Vito "kNgV-" Giuseppe.
The 29-year-old AWPer Vito "kNgV-" Giuseppe was removed from 00Nation in April, which led to kNgV- starting to work on a new project "O PLANO". A plan that he wants to be as successful as possible. The new roster of O PLANO is kNgV-, NEKIZ, piriaz1n, yel, and caike.
kNgV- and cogu (coach) bought in a young gun in piriaz1n, a 19-year-old who has a career rating of 1.08 playing only on the Brazilian scene. The other players on the roster are much more experienced with former MIBR player "yel" and the Los Grandes player "caike".
The active lineup for 0 PLANO:
cogu (Coach)