ZywOo delivers in Vitality win

Vitality ends up winning against the strong Complexity roster, after a fantastic second half for the roster.

The first and only map was to be played on the 53rd floor on Vertigo, where Vitality delivered an absolutely fantastic performance as the CT side in the second half.

In the first half it was very close, as Complexity did a great job defending the bombsites and with some great clutches by jks and RUSH it looked like they had a chance of winning, and they only lost the first half by 1 point as Vitality were leading 8-7 after the first half.

In the second half it was very one-sided as it looked like there only was one team on the field, the French icon ZywOo stepped up his gave and gave Vitality a big advantage.

Vitality ended up winning the game 16-8 after winning 8-1 in the second half as the CT side.

Vitality – Complexity (1-0) | IEM Summer 2021

16-8 (Vertigo) | {cflag:FR} ZywOo – 1.63 Rating / 21-13 K-D / 100.8 ADR

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