Communication is one of the most important things to master within a roster when it comes to professional CS:GO. It is the reason we don’t see the five best players in the world forming a roster together – if you can’t communicate with each other it is useless. The Danish giants of Astralis are the exact proof of this. Whilst they are, undoubtedly, five very skilled players it is clear that the teamwork and great communication between the players are what have made Astralis as dangerous as they have been and still are.
In a Youtube video posted on their own channel, Astralis allows a listen into their voice comms against Extra Salt at IEM Summer 2021. From calling strategies to mid-round rotations and giving praise to your teammates Astralis communicate extremely well under pressure. Take a look and get to know a bit more about how communication at the highest level of professional Counter-Strike is handled to perfection: