Video: nexa rips the FPL server apart before EG matchup

Evil Geniuses are in trouble today if the Serbian Executioner pops off like this.

G2’s dangerous captain Nemanja “nexa” Isaković is besides being a renowned IGL also a dangerous rifler, who isn’t afraid to lead the way with his AK-47 or M4.

nexa and G2 are at the moment competing at IEM Katowice, alongside the very elite of CS:GO, featuring in a tight schedule with many games. However, the Serbian International doesn’t stay off the server between the games, as the 23-yer old player keeps grinding on FACEIT Pro League.

Watch nexa win an immense 1v4 clutch against the likes of frozen and pashabiceps.

G2 will fight for their survival at IEM Katowice when nexa and company take upon Evil Geniuses at the elimination match today at 19:00 (CET).

Read more: Stellar Bosnian teamwork eliminate BIG from IEM Katowice

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