Video: es3tag’s tips and tricks on Ancient

Become the most valuable Ancient player for your team

Since Astralis rocked everybody’s world and changed the meta of professional CS:GO for good, the utility has become an integral part of any successful CS:GO roster that wishes to compete at the highest of levels. After the update allowing players to drop utility to each other, and even on the ground, it seems as if it has become more and more standard that one player on the roster is responsible for throwing most of the early utility.

A player that has proven to be great with utility, always aiming to set up his star players in “REZ” and “Brollan” is “es3tag”. In 2022 so far, he has managed a solid success rate of 0.76 when throwing flashbangs to help his team in the mid-rounds.

A map that “es3tag” and NiP, in general, have proven themselves incredibly potent on is, of course, Ancient. Deep in the jungle, it seems as if NiP have found a new home ground where they are a challenge for any opponent they meet along the way.

In a video created by Betway esports, Danish “es3tag” goes through some of the tips and tricks that have helped Nip become such a scary opponent to face on Ancient. Take a look, you might learn a thing or two:

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