In the upcoming RMR-tournaments where teams fight for points that will get them qualified for the next Major, coaches will not be allowed to participate with the players anymore.
“During online matches only players are allowed in the room and on the server. Neither coaches nor any other team staff will be allowed in the the room, on the server, or to otherwise communicate with the team during an online match.”
Valve’s new rules come as a reaction after some coaches exploited the coaching bug. The coaches who will be banned from participating in the Majors is determined by a scaling table. If six or more demerit points are reached, a coach will be permanently banned from Majors.
Today, Valve (@CSGO) ratified ESICs sanctions against coaches who exploited the Spectator Bug.
Below is the table from Valve translating demerits issued by ESIC to majors missed by offending parties.
Read the full release from Valve:
— ESIC (@ESIC_Official) January 28, 2021
Many coaches and experts aren’t happy with Valves decision.
To say that I'm mad and sad about this update is to say the least. I think that it is unfair that I am getting punished by the actions of others. CS:GO and esports has grown into a recognized sport and we deserve that as well. Professional sports has coaches and will always have.
— Torbjørn Nyborg (@mithRTV) January 28, 2021
How about you open up a channel for direct contact with the pro-scene? What happened to you? In 2014 it was easy to access you. Now we have to hope our emails come through, and if not then hunt you down on twitter DMs.
— Faruk Pita (@pitaCSGO) January 28, 2021
coaches need more respect in this game. this solution is lazy and unfair.
— launders (@launders) January 28, 2021
Well this fucking sucks …
I think punishing people who hasnt done anything wrong is insane ..
Honestly kinda lost for words as my dream is to get that 3rd major ? and share that moment with the players on the stage
— Coach Devilwalk (@DevilwalkCSGOD) January 28, 2021
I did nothing wrong and get punished the same. Honestly just heartbreaking and infuriating at the same time.
Thanks to everyone who knew about / abused this bug.
Thanks to @CSGO who can't even acknowledge their own fault in all of this.
— Wilton Prado 'zews' (@zews) January 28, 2021
Such a bad move killing the coach position guys @CSGO
We all know about the camera bug and maybe there’s more bugs(?), but making this rule saying that coaches are not allowed in the sv/room is not fair nor a good fix to avoid this kind of cheating in the online era, not fair…
— Lucas Benedito Lopes (@steelegabr) January 28, 2021
To me it's one step forward, and two steps back.
The intention supporting the teams qualifying for the major 2020, fantastic.
Taking a stance and handling out bans to coaches who did cheat, fantastic.
Removing the coach "role" from RMR, I strongly dislike.
^ Outweighs it all
— Jacob “Pimp” Winneche (@PimpCS2) January 28, 2021