The tournament was represented by the ultimate elite with the best teams and the most prominent players EU Counter-Strike can offer. There has been displayed impeccable individual skill throughout the tournament, especially by a certain young player called Mathieu “ZywOo” Herbaut.
The top 5 performers at the event statistic-wise:
ZywOo: +99 k/d-ratio, 88,9 ADR, 1.33 rating
XANTARES: +88 k/d-ratio, 88.1 ADR, 1.27 rating
NiKo: +69k/d-ratio, 87.3 ADR, 1.23 rating
stavn: +114 k/d-ratio, 85.4, 1.22 rating
cadiaN: +140 k/d-ratio, 78.7, 1.21 rating