somedieyoung joins Monte

Former Natus Vincere player takes a step down to play under the Monte banner.

25-year-old Viktor “sdy” Orudzhev signs for Monte on a permanent deal. Former Natus Vincere player somedieyoung has since December been a free agent after he parted ways with the Ukrainian organization.

sdy believes that Monte is the right place for him to show his full potential, and he also believes that the project fits him well.

The Ukrainian rifler played under the Natus Vicere banner for six months where he managed to reach his first trophy as a pro player at BLAST Premier Spring final 2022. A year with ups and downs for the Ukanien organization, sdy saw himself leaving the roster to create space for their upcoming rifler Andrii “npl” Kukharskyi who played as their six-man during the BLAST Premier World Final.

somedieyoung played his first game as a Monte player during the European Pro League Season 5 back on 13th January 2023. The next time we get to see sdy and monte in action will be against BIG Academy in the Elisa Invitational Winter 2023 Contenders on 19th January.

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