Snax with pistol ace in rematch loss

The experienced Polish AWPer delivered a great ace with the pistol and device and his NIP troops in the loss for Anonymo.

The Polish phenom has been playing professional CS for over a decade, and the experience helps his team Anonymo give NIP a fight to the end, in a game that on the paper looks like an easy win for NIP.

Snax delivered a great pistol ace in the first round in the second half, with his ace he gives Anonymo the perfect start to the second half, but the Polish roster couldn’t keep the momentum and they lost the following three rounds.

The experienced AWPer has a long career behind him, where he has played for Illuminar,, and mousesports as his last three organizations, before joining the Polish Anonymo.

A team where Snax seems to feel at home, after a career with teams that has different nationalities in their roster, but in Anonymo they only have players from Poland. A team with players from difficult nationalities can create a language barrier, this won’t be the case at Anonymo.

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