New CS:GO update: M4A1-S magazine size reduced and Ancient reworked

Will this reduce the CT meta?

Early this morning Valve announced a new update to CS:GO.

The most important change is affecting the most prefered weapon on the CT side. The M4A1-S riffle has gotten its magazine size reduced from 25 to 20 bullets, with 80 in reserve. Time will tell how big of a nerf this actually is.

Ancient has also undergone some changes. You can read them all in the release notes down below.

Release notes for 15/6-2022:


– Reduced the M4A1-S magazine size to 20 bullets, with 80 in reserve.



-Remove cratestack outside of “cave” location

-Fixed pixelgap from inside “cave” towards T mid

-Fixed ground clipping bugs in mid causing players to go slightly airborne

-Smoothed out ground outside of “cave” down towards B ramp

-Blocked archeological dig inside of “cave”

-Smoothed out corners in “donut” room

-Added additional cover near pillar on B

-Blocked one sidepath exit towards A site, widened remaining exit

-Fixed some visual glitches when looking out towards mid from “donut” room

-Reduced wallbang damage through scaffolding at B site

-Boosted light emitted from candles/lanterns


-Increased bomb explosion damage from 500 to 620


-Another attempt at fixing molly through floor bug at mid

-Removed a position by ramp corner


-Fixed an exploit. (Thanks El_Exodus!)


-Performance and stability improvements

-Ivy now sways in the wind

-Fixed displacement vphysics issues

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