Natus Vincere are the champions of IEM Cologne 2021 following a clean 3-0 victory over G2 on Dust2 (16-11), Mirage (16-14), and Nuke (16-13) to claim the first international LAN title of 2021.
Even though the match ended 3-0, it wasn’t all easy work for NAVI. The Russian squad were clearly the strongest team on Dust2, but Mirage and Nuke were highly-contested affairs that easily could have gone G2’s way if the margins had been on their side.
MVP: Aleksandr “s1mple” Kostyliev – 1.37 Rating – 82.3 ADR – 75-49 K/D – 79.1% KAST
The action started on NAVI’s map pick of Dust2, where the Ukrainian beast stole the show completely. Not only did s1mple break the record for the most ACE’s at a big event, but also dropped a 30-bomb, 1.11 KPR, and a 1.80 Rating to help his team draw the first blood to the series. NAVI took an early lead on 6-2 before G2 found their footing and lowered their deficit to only one round right before halftime. A good and stabilized CT-side from NAVI made it hard for G2 to get rounds on the board and the Russian squad went on to close out the map 16-11 with confidence.
Next up was Mirage, G2’s map pick, which turned into an intense fight. G2’s NiKo answered back with his own 30-bomb, but unfortunately, that wasn’t enough to help his team tie up the series. NAVI denied the French-Balkan squad to force OT in the very end as they closed out the map 16-14, putting only one map between them and the title.
NAVI wrapped up the series 3-0 on their own map pick of Nuke, closing it out 16-13 to finish off their impressive tournament run and take home the trophy. The Russian squad also takes home $400.000 in prize earnings, while G2 leaves the tournament with $180.000 in second place right before the player break.
Dust2: 16-11 | s1mple – 1.80 Rating – 108.3 ADR – 30-15 K/D
Mirage: 16-14 | NiKo – 1.49 Rating – 106.0 ADR – 31-20 K/D
Nuke: 16-13 | NiKo – 1.19 Rating – 84.9 ADR – 23-20 K/D