kassad on the return of AZR: It’s going to take some time for him to come back for sure

The expert is pleased to see that the former Renegades and 100 Thieves captain has found a new CS:GO home.

Yesterday Aaron “AZR” Ward was revealed as Sprout’s new in-game leader marking a long-awaited comeback to competitive CS:GO for the Australian veteran who have been on the sideline since October 2021.

Sprout reveal AZR as their new in-game leader

We have spoken with the renowned CS:GO expert and analyst Aleksandar “kassad” Trifunović who believes Sprout has made a great pick up signing AZR among other candidates in their trial period.

– Sprout made the correct decision picking AZR. He has been a free agent for some time, and he seems to enjoy being the in-game leader, kassad says although the 30-year-old coach may need some time to adapt, he explains.

– It’s going to take some time for him to come back for sure. I don’t think it’s going to be too long as Aaron tends to be very switched on when he is motivated.

kassad on the return of AZR: It’s going to take some time for him to come back for sure - Regular News - Pley

kassad has a deep knowledge of AZR after having worked together on several teams

“2-3 years left in him”

As earlier mentioned, AZR has been away from the scene for quite some time following his benching on EXTREMUM. Something kassad explains like this.

– His issue was that he wasn’t very engaged on social media, which made people somewhat forget about him. He certainly has another 2-3 years as IGL in him, so I’m very happy to see him back in action.

kassad then goes on to discuss AZR’s way of thinking Counter-Strike and how he sees this new look Sprout team.

– We have worked together for more than a few years and I think he has a very good understanding of the game and the meta – whatever the meta might be. He likes combining loose style with structure and that’s why we had a good thing going on.

– This Sprout roster has kind of grown on me in time and I think there is some potential there in those youngsters where Aaron’s experience only helps that, kassad concludes.

refrezh: There was a lot of disagreement on how to manage and structure the team

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