karrigan: We need a peak performance tomorrow

FaZe is still alive at the Copenhagen Major despite not playing up to their usual standards at the tournament so far.

After the 2-1 win against Imperial, in-game leader Finn “karrigan” Andersen spoke with James Banks on the official PGL stream about the match, where FaZe at times looked shaky.

– We played better today. We are still far from our level not going to lie about that. Today we showed a B-game, but thank God it was enough to survive the day.

Virtus.pro could be a potential opponent tomorrow for FaZe depending on the results of the last matches in the fourth round of the Elimination Stage. A match where FaZe needs to find another gear.

– I know that we can hit peak performance, but we are not there yet. We need a peak performance tomorrow if we want to make it to playoffs, Finn “karrigan” Andersen stated. You can see more of the interview below.

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