In December, Gabriel “FalleN” Toledo shared his thoughts about his future in Counter-Strike, suggesting that he was to leave FURIA after the first part of 2025.
However, the Brazilian icon has now made an unexpected U-turn, saying that he regrets making those comments towards the end of last year.
– I somewhat regretted saying that because I ended up diverting attention from the moment, we were living in, FalleN says in an interview with Dust2 Brasil.
“Discussions can wait for another time”
The FURIA captain also doubles down as he confirms that he will continue playing with the Black Panthers after this season as well.
– I’ll be playing longer than just until the middle of the year. I’ve already discussed that with them [FURIA]. I’ve been making some adjustments to balance certain aspects of my personal life.
FalleN continues:
– I’m still 100% dedicated to being the best player I can be for the team, as you can see in the vlogs. This year, I’ve committed to taking better care of myself in terms of health, diet, and sleep quality, so I’m really investing in that. I’m excited about what’s ahead.
– I believe the team is on an upward trajectory, and soon we’ll start aiming for titles. That’s my hope and expectation. So, these discussions about when I’ll stop playing can wait for another time because it’s not the moment to talk about that yet, FalleN says to Dust2 Brasil.
FalleN has been in FURIA since June 2023 when he joined Kaike “KSCERATO” Cerato and the rest of the Brazilian lineup.
These days, FalleN and company are competing at the play-in stage for IEM Katowice.