HUNDEN release evidence involve former teammates

The former Heroic coach Nikolaj ‘HUNDEN’ Petersen explained that several of the players knew that he cheated during two matches in 2020.

” I have been threatened on my safety to take all the blame and cover up the organization. I’ve had enough now” says HUNDEN

In the latest interview with TV2, the 30-year-old former coach HUNDEN claimed that he has evidence that supports his argument about some of his Heroic teammates from the time were aware of what he was doing with the bug. One part of the evidence is a conversation between HUNDEN and niko, where niko stated that all the players on the roster knew everything.

Another part of the data involves that one player entered the server together with ‘HUNDEN’ before the rest of the players. That player is the current Heroic star René ‘TeSeS’ Madsen. The data shows that ‘TeSeS’ have helped ‘HUNDEN’  to get into the position that provides a good overview of the Dust2.

Heroic CEO Joachim Haraldsen was not interested in an interview over the phone, but he responded in this letter.

“I have honestly had enough of HUNDEN’s attacks on all the boys he has coached. I think he should start growing up and take responsibility for what he did,”

“He [HUNDEN] has told TV 2 that he would submit his documentation to ESIC. So far, we have not seen anything. We will certainly help ESIC with all the material they may need from us, but we no longer want to enter into a public discussion about accusations that “someone” knew “something” when it is based solely on isolated fragments of information without any context. This is not the way to prove or disprove anything.”

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