Highest-rated players at PGL Copenhagen Major

Who has been the best player at the first CS2 Major in history?

The first CS2 Major is done and dusted!

For your service, we’ve put together a list of the best players at the tournament.

Check out the Top 10 down below.

Highest-rated players:

1. 🇷🇺 Ilya “m0NESY” Osipov (G2) – 1.37 (14 maps)

2. 🇷🇺 Danil “donk” Kryshkovets (Spirit) – 1.35 (8 maps)

3. 🇸🇪 Ludvig “Brollan” Brolin (MOUZ) – 1.30 (6 maps)

4. 🇭🇺 Ádám “torzsi” Torzsás (MOUZ) – 1.27 (6 maps)

5. 🇷🇺 Sergey “Ax1Le” Rykhtorov (Cloud9) – 1.27 (8 maps)

6. 🇹🇷 İsmailсan “XANTARES” Dörtkardeş (Eternal Fire) – 1.25 rating (8 maps)

7. 🇱🇹 Justinas “jL” Lekavicius (NAVI) – 1.22 (18 maps)

8. 🇱🇻 Helvijs “broky” Saukants (FaZe) – 1.21 (17 maps)

9. 🇫🇮 Jimi “Jimpphat” Salo (MOUZ) – 1.21 (6 maps)

10. 🇷🇺 Dmitry “sh1ro” Sokolov (Spirit) – 1.19 (8 maps)

Other notable rankings:

🇮🇱 Lotan “Spinx” Giladi (Vitality) – 1.16 (11 maps)

🇷🇺 Dzhami “Jame” Ali (Virtus.pro) – 1.16 (9 maps)

🇧🇷 Rodrigo “biguzera” Bittencourt (paiN) – 1.15 (9 maps)

🇫🇷 Mathieu ”ZywOo” Herbaut (Vitality) – 1.14 (11 maps)

🇩🇰 Nico “nicoodoz” Tamjidi (Heroic) – 1.08 (5 maps) – Highest-ranked Dane

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