GuardiaN: “Rain is a special player with pistols”

The former FaZe AWP’er “GuardiaN” and many other pros crown the best pistol-player in CS:GO

Whilst perhaps the most intriguing rounds of Counter-Strike are those where both teams are well-equipped and have the desired weaponry as well as utility, there is something to be said about pistol rounds. Perhaps the most crucial round is the first one, where both teams are only equipped with pistols. The team that takes the pistol round not only gains momentum and confidence both also secures the winning team an economic lead.

More than just the pistol round, the lesser guns, which are pistols, can be utilized in different aspects of the game. Whether it be on an eco-round or perhaps just a secondary option to the rifle at hand, it pays off to be lethal with these guns. Many players throughout the history of CS:GO can be said to have mastered the pistols, but what do the pros think? If you ask Ladislav “GuardiaN” Kovács the best to wield the pistols is his former teammates in Håvard “rain” Nygaard:

“I will give it to rain. I think the best pistol player of all time is rain, I mean he has insane highlights with pistols. Every time I play with him in practice or officials he will do some insane stuff with the Deagle or in the pistol round.” GuardiaN carries on by saying: “Rain is a special player with pistols.”

To hear more about which player the pros think is the best with pistols you can watch the following video:

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