forZe delivers another upset as the “Juggernaut” falls


As expected, we saw a tight start in the Upper Semi-Final at Funspark ULTI, where the team’s were 5-5, but than something shifted for forZe. They outplayed Complexity, who was short on the money for the rest of the first half at Inferno and at half time forZe was leading 10 to 5.

At the start of the second half, Complexity came out best as it looked like they could possibly make the comeback. A strong team performance by forZe made it impossible for Complexity to make the comeback in the map, and they went on to win Inferno 16-10.

A strong team performance by forZe, where especially KENSI, FL1T and zorte played at the top of their game to secure a victory in their map pick.

On Mirage the roles were reversed. After an initial close start, Complexity turned up the pace a notch. poison delivered an ace with his AWP, while k0nfig got fired up and was by a big margin the top fragger on the server helping his team to a 16-9 win.

The Danish Rifler continued his dominance on Dust2. After five rounds he was responsible for 11 kills and an ADR above 200! Once again the two teams were completely even at 5-5 before one of them got the upperhand. Like on Mirage it was Complexity who took control. k0nfig simply did not stop the killing spree and ended first half 22-8 in K-D and 10-5 on the scoreboard.

Complexity was feeling good after the first half, but forZe was not done yet. Having beaten on Monday, the Russian team had their eyes set on another upset. From 5-12 forZe managed to equalize at 12-12 and take the lead 14-12. Here Complexity had their chance in a 2vs1 situation to finally break the silence. But Aleksandr ‘KENSI’ Gurkin wanted it different.

Complexity then went on to win two rounds out of nothing, but in the end, forZe managed to make the last push and win the game.

10-16 (Inferno) | 🇷🇺 KENSI – 1.43 Rating / 22-17 K-D / 94.3 ADR

16-9 (Mirage) |🇩🇰 k0nfig – 1.52 Rating / 25-19 K-D / 105.1 ADR

14-16 (Dust2) | 🇩🇰 k0nfig – 1.60 Rating / 34-21 K-D / 110.2 ADR

MVP: 🇩🇰 Kristian ‘k0nfig’ Wienecke – 1.35 Rating / 74-57 K-D / 92.4 ADR

Complexity continues their journey at Funspark ULTI Europe in the lower bracket, while forZe is ready for the Upper Final.

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