Fantastic clutch from misutaaa in a 1v3 situation!

misutaaa delivered one of the plays of the day, in the loss against OG in the semi-final of the IEM Summer 2021.

A fantastic play by misutaaa, we have seen many highlights from Vitality in the last couple of days, it is nice to see one of them not being themselves falling down from Vertigo!

Vitality did it again on Vertigo!

VIDEO: Shox falls down on Vertigo

The Vitality roster lost 2-1 against OG in the semi-final of the IEM Summer, but the French player delivered a fantastic clutch as you can watch underneath.

misutaaa is all alone against three players from OG on Mirage, and he clutches the difficult 1v3 situation in perfect manner!

Watch the perfect clutch here:

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