On Twitter, the warning was put out, after the attorney had encountered four cases of players, who had incidents with “agents” that had made bad deals for the players.
"Esportsagenter"! Pas nu på derude! Alene i sidste uge har jeg haft 4 tilfælde med såkaldte "agenter". som har indgået dårlige aftaler på spillerens vegne. Forhold jer kritisk! Hvilke forudsætninger har agenten for at gennemgå kontrakter for jer? Uddannelse eller mavefornemmelse?
— Danish Esports Lawyer – Dan Dahl Rahimian (@techadvokaten) December 15, 2020
Translation: “Esports agents”! Watch out! Last week alone, I have had four incidents with so-called “agents” that have made bad deals on the behalf of a player. Be critical! What prerequisites does the agent have to review contracts for you? Education or just a hunch?
The attorney clarifies in a tweet later, that he can not discuss the content of the deals, but it could be irrevocable contracts for three years, that rewards the agent with 20% of the salary without having to do anything.
Dan Dahl Rahiman is a Danish lawyer educated from the University of Aarhus, Denmark. According to his Twitter bio, he is an esports and tech attorney who represents esports orgs, players, sponsors and associations, and give esports related legal advice.