ESL accounts for their decision to postpone yesterday’s match between NAVI and forZe


ESL or representatives from the organization has felt compelled to give an answer after the critique they have received. Managing director of pro gaming at ESL, Ulrich Schulze states that the decision to postpone the match is based on the perception that it’s not only Perfecto who’s involved but the whole roster of NAVI. Which are something there is

Schulze goes further by saying “Given the seriousness of the disease, plus the fact that there was calender availability, we made the decision to postpone the match. Similar decisions have been made with Covid cases in other sports. We did not consider it appropriate to force a team to play in this situation.”

After the announcement from ESL, forZe went public to express their frustration, referring to the tournament’s rulebook and the wrongful practice they believe has taken place. The forZe camp explains that a reschedule was decided without their knowledge and therefore also without their acceptance, which they believe is a clear rule violation.

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