Crazy stat! NAVI earned $256 for every kill in 2021

s1mple and company surely laugh all the way to the bank after their phenomenal 2021 year.

It’s fair to say that the CIS titans from Natus Vincere had a fantastic year in 2021. Led by the Ukrainian superstar Aleksandr “s1mple” Kostyliev, NAVI dominated the entire competitive CS:GO scene for the majority of the year, racking up a record high of $4.3 Million in prize winnings in one calendar year.

Throwback: s1mple and NAVI clinch Intel Grand Slam Season 3 title

According to a calculation by, NAVI has earned $266 for EVERY kill one of their players has made in tournaments in 2021 – That’s more than three times higher than the next team in line Gambit, and according to also the highest in CS:GO history. You can find the top 3 from 2021 down below.

Top 3 teams in CS:GO


Total winnings: $4.275.500

– Maps played: 198 | $21593 per map

– Round played: 5227 | $810 per round

– Total kills 18124 | $266 per kill

2. Gambit

Total winnings: $1.651.979

– Maps played: 245 | $6743 per map

– Round played: 6458 | $256 per round

– Total kills 22228 | $74 per kill

3. G2

Total winnings: $708.000

– Maps played: 196 | $3612 per map

– Round played: 5312 | $133 per round

– Total kills 17656 | $40 per kill

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