In North America, it was a copy-paste from IEM Beijing, when Chaos and Rugratz faced each other.
It was the exact same maps with the same outcome. Rugratz won Overpass, while Chaos reverse sweeped their countrymen by winning Train and Nuke. An overall even match, where three Rugratz players were rated highest after the match.
Chaos – Rugratz 2-1 (
Rebirth managed to stop their four-game losing streak with a surprising 2-1 win against Triumph. After the two teams had won their map pick, it was all left on Train, to decide the match. Here Rebirth dominated their CT-side winning 11-4, before taking home the victory 16-10.
Triumph – Rebirth 1-2 (13-16, 16-14, 10-16)
The two winners and the two losers will face each other Wednesday and Thursday.