In what is described as one of the biggest transfers of all time, the American organization Cloud9 have secured the 25-year old danish riffler, Patrick “es3tag” Hansen.
– This is not something we saw coming when we signed Patrick only four months ago, but player transfers will always be a part of the game. We will not be commenting on any specifics around this agreement, but I do believe it is one of the biggest transfers on record and the conditions offered to Patrick are also of a kind, he wanted to pursue, states the CEO of Astralis, Anders Hørsholt.
For Patrick “es3tag” Hansen the transfer to Cloud9 concludes a very active 2020 for the danish player, who is looking to join his third team of the year. The former Heroic player has been in good form lately, ranking 4th in the world based on ratings in the last three months. He was also a key player at the ESL Pro League Season 12, where a stellar performance in the final against Natus Vincere helped Astralis to secure the win.
– Things have gone extremely fast. I am proud to represent Astralis, I love the fans and I never for a second thought, I would be move on to a different team this early. I just won my first big title and I truly enjoy working with all the guys on and around the team. Over the past 6 months, I have grown as a person and a player, and I owe a lot to the organization, Patrick “es3tag” Hansen told Astralis’ website.