Best CS:GO VAC shots of 2021!

Some of these shots make you question the liability of these players as they make so little sense!

Valve Anti-Cheat is a computer program, which is made to prevent cheating in games.

Many players have been VAC banned over the year, due to evidence provided on the game, where there are enough things that point towards cheats.

For example, did the former Natus Vincere player starix get a VAC ban, for bug abuse which is where the bug allowed the coach to see parts of the maps they normally would not have access to and gather information about the enemy team.

starix will be able to play competitive CS:GO again after the second major of 2022.

There have also been other examples where the VAC ban got overturned, for example for KRIMZ from Fnatic, who got the ban but then a few days later it was overturned as a false positive.

Watch the best VAC shots from 2021 here:

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