It hasn’t been the ideal start for FURIA, since they arrived in Europe to participate in the big EU events. They have strived inside their own region in 2020, winning big events as IEM New York NA and ESL Pro League NA, but the Brazilian top team hasn’t managed to continue their strong form into the EU server.
FURIA player Andrei “arT” Piovezan provides a possible reason for this fall when he yesterday spoke with the BLAST desk following their narrow victory against ISURUS. The Brazilian IGL hints at external issues inside the FURIA camp by saying that there some distracting things going on behind the scenes.
”There are so many things happening that is out of our in-game control”
It was earlier this week rumoured that FURIA seeks to find a replacement for their star AWP’er Henrique “HEN1” Teles due to “issues outside the server”. Something that might strengthen the idea of maybe there is something brewing in the FURIA camp.